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"I met JC in 2014 when I was searching for a gym with boot camp/HIIT classes and personal training. I’ll never forget my first time I met JC,  he was running one of his boot camps and I instantly thought, “I want to workout with him!” I loved  JC’s energy… I couldn’t wait to sign up.


My first boot camp class was challenging, but that was exactly what I was looking for. My favorite part about working out with JC was he would always switched up the workouts. Kettle-bells, TRX, boxing, cycling, outside workouts… the list goes on. I never completed a workout with JC that wasn’t extremely rewarding. JC’s motivation and firm voice helped push me towards the goals that WE set for myself. He checked in on my food logs, encouraged heavier weight when he knew I could use it, and never missed or canceled a class/training with me. JC held me accountable during my fitness journey and he was exactly what I was looking for to help me reach my fitness goals. 


For 4 years Core Athletics was one of my favorite places to be. JC created a positive and friendly atmosphere where everyone motivated each other. JC builds relationships with his clients and genuinely cares. He was always a great ear to vent to when I was having a bad day/week. He would listen, give his best advice, and then cheer me up with a workout that made me forget I was ever in a bad mood. JC taught me the correct forms and postures to use when lifting weights which I still use to this day. He also taught me the basics to boxing which sparked an interest I never knew I had.  I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to work with JC  and Core Athletics. I appreciate his guidance abs friendship."

Amy H.


"JC is very knowledgeable when it comes to health and fitness. He ensures to provide good and accurate information during your training sessions. He creates a comfortable environment and makes sure to adhere to each individual. I would recommend him to anyone wanting to improve their health or start their fitness journey."



"I can now answer with a resounding yes! As a busy stay at home mom of two young boys, my personal goals were easily pushed to the bottom of my priority list. That is, if "me time" even made it on the list! After having kids, I would lose the baby weight just slowly start to gain it back again. I was tired of the ups and downs and struggles of weight loss. Core Athletics and the wonderful trainers there helped me see that I could have it all. They make such a big commitment to everyone that walks in, it's hard not to rise to the challenge and commit to yourself. With flexible hours, fun and challenging classes and wonderful people who show up to motivate, I have become the me I always wanted to be. For me, it wasn't just about weight loss or being a certain size. It's been about dedicating time for me in a healthy manner. I've lost plenty of weight and inches, but more importantly I've gained strength and stamina to be a more involved and happy mom and wife. I am still on my fitness journey and continue to set goals and push myself to do more and go farther. The support of both my family and my Core family drive me to do better. Although often intimidating, the workouts are never boring or the same, and I feel great every time I show up to Boot Camp. I've learned it's never too late to find your strong. Join me and all the other awesome people in Boot Camp!"



"As a young man I had always been fairly active. I had always played tennis, snow skied, water skied, and bike riding. However, I had never trained or been trained in how to work out properly. As time passed work took a much more prominent place in my life. With career advancement things like tennis and water skiing were put on a shelf. Even the act of mowing the lawn was handed off. I found myself doing fewer and fewer things that I had been used to doing. I was gaining weight and my doctors were concerned about my blood pressure and blood sugar levels. In short I was headed for trouble. Last year, after 30 years of not being able to do the things I did as a young man and some frank but frightening words from my doctor, I made the decision to "do something". I really had no idea what "something" was, but I was determined to make changes in my lifestyle and health. Prior to this decision I was tipping the scale at 290 lbs and was borderline hypertensive and diabetic. Not to mention just feeling lousy about myself. Fortunately for me, my wife Debra had been working out with a great trainer named JC at Core Athletics. She had started working out to deal with mental stress but was also getting in to great shape. I had met JC and the other great folks from Core at a Christmas open house in December 2012. Everyone who had been working with Deb was asking when I was going to start up. However, at that time I was not ready to get with "the program" but by June 2013 it was evident that I needed some help. I had tried for years to work out on my own but I found out that I was never going to lose any weight. I cannot say enough good things about the positive and supportive environment of Core Athletics. Everybody is very friendly and truly interested in the individual performance. While I had been physically active as a young man, I had never been taught how to exercise effectively. JC is capable of getting the most out me, far beyond what I can do on my own. I am learning everyday about how to target muscles for maximum effect. This coupled with a strict diet and weight loss program has started me on a path to a longer and happier life. As of today, I have been able to meet several of my stated goals. I was able to ski for the first time in 5 years. I can wear suits that I thought were "Goodwill" fodder and I can be in the altitude of Lake Tahoe without constantly being out of breath. As for my health, I have gone from my borderline hypertension to a normal range of blood pressure. To date I have lost 74 lbs and still have a long way to go but I am on the right path. Again, I credit both diet and exercise for this loss, but I am confident that I will not be going back to the old ways. As for goals, I am now working on my next goal which is to be able to water ski again. Stay tuned."



"I saw a Core Athletics booth at the Sacramento Bridal Show in 2014, grabbed a flier and signed up for more information. Soon after, I received a call from JC asking me why I signed up at the bridal show and what I wanted to get out of working out with a trainer. And I was honest… while I thoroughly enjoyed the last four years of my life, I definitely stopped paying attention to what I ate and became less and less active. A well fed, very happy woman. And then my love of 10 years asked me to be his wife, and the thought of squeezing into a white dress with an audience was enough for me to acknowledge that it was time to handle business. When I was younger, it was easy to lose weight – I would run a few miles a week and drink my calories. Extremely unhealthy and not maintainable, but effective for a girl in college. But as the years and pounds came on, my sweet youth and metabolism went away and I found it took much more work to lose less weight and working out on my own just wasn’t cutting it anymore. So in that initial phone conversation, when JC suggested that I come in Saturday at 8 am for an assessment I immediately thought, eeesh that’s early why the hell not. I went in for my assessment and I saw exactly where I was. JC helped me understand that I shouldn’t be feel bad about where I was, but motivated to see where I could go. And I was, I had taken the first step and gone in and signed up. We picked my workout plans and goals and I started right away. It’s been 6 months and I have lost many lbs and inches. Though I’ve taken so much more away from Core Athletics than pounds lost. I am a genuinely happier person and I swear the sun shines brighter. I will be wearing the dress of my dreams while I marry the love of my life and I am so proud of the work I’ve put in that’s gotten me here. JC has helped me feel strong again and he’s shown me how to work out correctly. He explains WHY I’m eating the *delicious foods* he’s suggesting for me at the suggested times, he teaches me what sugar and processed foods have been doing to by body for years and what healthy, whole foods will do for me now. I’ve been working out with JC at 5 am for a half a year now, and let’s be honest - once or twice when I’ve been punching the Bob I may or may not have pictured JC when he’s telling me to “dig deeper”… but he and his workouts are my therapy and Core Athletics has become something in my life that I really enjoy and look forward to. I was at a point in my life where I really need guidance and structure and I am so thankful I signed up with Core Athletics. It got me back onto a path I’d forgotten was so fulfilling and has reminded me that health is a lifelong commitment, and one that benefits all areas of my life. My wedding is in a month and I can’t wait. I am so excited with how I look in my dress now and another month with JC means I’ll look that much better!"



"I started my health and fitness journey later in life spending over 20 years living an unhealthy lifestyle. I was required to take medication daily for health issues related to my obesity. On January 1, 2010, something snapped and I decided it was time to make a change. Since then I have lost over 75 pounds and have embraced a healthy lifestyle incorporating physical activity, healthy eating, and work/life balance. I have received a “clean bill of health” from my physician who took me off the medications that I required for years. My journey started with small steps, I joined Weight Watchers online at first trying to get some sort of handle on my eating habits. Then, after much deliberation I decided to join a gym. My first day I didn’t have the first clue about what a bootcamp class was, but I knew I was there for one. It was hard at first (I even thought I was going to puke a few times!) but I was determined that I was going to get fit and healthy. I set my sights higher in 2011. First, I became a Certified Personal Trainer and started teaching bootcamps and personal training with Core Athletics. After that, JC asked me what I thought my next goal was going to be. Perhaps, he said, I could start to train for a figure competition. My first thought was, “WHAT the WHAT?!! NO WAY!” But the thought of training in a different way than I had been was intriguing. So I started preparing for a Women’s Natural Bodybuilding competition. I have found a true passion in physical fitness and healthy living. I am grateful and excited to be able to share the knowledge I have gained, my experience with weight loss, and my enthusiasm for living a healthy lifestyle. The best is yet to come!"



"After telling me she needed a change, my childhood friend in Michigan began attending local boot camp classes. Within a short time, she began displaying drastic results in fitness; she looked amazing, she felt amazing, and I was intrigued. I’ve always considered myself a pretty active person. Prior to joining Core Athletics, I had run a few half marathons, passed the military fitness test with excellent scores, regularly hiked on the weekends, enjoyed biking and working out.. But I was having trouble integrating habitual exercise into my day-to-day life, and knew that I had to make changes to be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I needed a fitness routine, I needed to pay attention to the food I was putting into my body, and I needed accountability. This is where Core Athletics played such a pivotal role in the achievement of my goals. My first day  I received a consultation to determine my current status. After measuring my BMI and completing my first solo workout, I had a baseline from which to improve. JC Charles stepped me through the process of the easy-to-use food log app, and the schedule with ample opportunities in the mornings, evenings, midday, and on weekends. With an erratic schedule, the amount of classes offered at multiple times a day was a huge plus. I began attending the evening classes and after my first try, was eager to attend as often as possible. Felix offered a well-planned hour of circuits in interval strength training, incorporating a challenging full body workout with a balance of cardio. This quickly became my regular evening plan, achieving the routine I sought after. Each class, our food logs were checked, encouraging me to be aware of the food I was eating. The other members quickly welcomed me into the family; their inclusion and support created an environment that made the workouts enjoyable and provided the accountability I needed to get on track. The trainers are truly passionate about helping people and they make each class count. I’m proud and excited about the fitness results, strength and energy I’ve gained as a direct result of Core Athletics. I feel the best I’ve ever felt in my life and have pursued challenges I never considered possible before attaining my current level of fitness.  I trained for and completed my first full marathon through the hills of San Francisco, something for which I can thank the countless squats, lunges, sprints and cardio. The next weekend, I climbed to the summit of Mt Shasta at 14,179 feet, the second highest peak in the Cascades. The endurance necessary for the climb was gained through challenging workouts, the trainers encouraging us to hold the positions just a little longer each time, the cardio to breathe in the thin air, and gaining the confidence that I could keep pushing and my body would respond. These accomplishments would not have been possible for me in the “active condition” I held a year ago. Thanks to the challenge, consistency, and support of the Core Athletics family, I am in the best shape of my life, I live a lifestyle that’s healthy and maintainable, I look forward to setting and achieving new goals, and am extremely grateful for choosing and staying with Core Athletics."

Kate B.


"I have been a member of Core for about a year and a half now and being a member has really changed my life! In December of 2011, at the age of 28, I was unhappy with a lot of things going on in my life, one being my weight. I was at the heaviest weight I have ever been, 195lbs. I felt not only unattractive but tired all the time. I kept telling myself that I was going to diet and start going to the gym. The gym, however, never worked for me. I would get in the same routine of using the same machines, so I would stop seeing results and get bored. Eventually, I would just stop going all together. During this time, I lived in Fairfield away from my support system of family and friends. I knew it was time for some changes, so I could be happy with myself again! First, I decided to move back to Sacramento. Shortly before I moved back, I saw a groupon that JC had. I knew if I wanted to hit my next goal of losing weight, I had to try something new. So, I decided to give it a try. I bought the groupon wondering what in the world I had gotten myself into...turns out it was the best decision of my life! I truly believe I could not have made my weight lose goal without Core. There were times when I wanted to give up because it felt impossible. When I started, my trainer pulled me to the side one night, telling me to not give up, that it would get easier...and it did. If the trainers at Core Athletics weren’t there to check what I was eating, push me, and encourage me, I would have given up. They make sure you stick to and reach your goals, but you too have to be willing to do the work. The trainers truly are amazing! Once my groupon ended after just 16 classes, I weighed in at 170lbs. I just knew then; I had to become a member and keep going. I’m so glad I stayed! For now, I weigh in at 150lbs, losing a total of 45lbs! I have never felt better! The classes I attend at Core are never boring and never the same, like the gym can be. If you are someone who needs motivation Core Athletics is the place for you! They taught me the true meaning of, “It’s not about dieting, but a lifestyle change.” So, ask yourself one question, are you ready for a change? If the answer is yes, join Core Athletics! You won’t regret joining! I know I don’t!"



"Thank you for the years of training and fun. I am in excellent physical condition due to our hard work. I have the knowledge and skills I need to maintain my fitness level, and you taught me. Through training with JC, I have learned how far I can push myself and how to reach my fitness goals. I also learned to better listen to my body and to know when to sit one out. Even 2000 miles away in Tulsa for flight school, I think about Core Athletics and the training we have accomplished, and it reminds me to make fitness a part of my schedule. I am pushing myself in a different arena now, but I can certainly apply some of the lessons learned from JC, here learning to fly."


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"I started my weight loss journey 3 years ago after the scale tipped over 300 lbs. I did the extreme calorie reduction and joined a chain operated gym. Although I lost weight, I was a faceless person in a sea of people with the commercial workouts with no drive to continue long term. So, the weight started to come back on…. A friend introduced me to Core while doing a “biggest loser” challenge that we do among some friends. This initiated an 8 week challenge at Core to lose “20lbs by Thanksgiving.” I started going to boot camp classes 5 days a week and was hooked! Along with the classes and logging my food, I was able to win the challenge with a couple of days to spare! The trainers are there to motivate and push, but you’re still responsible for the work! Through the last few months, all the staff at Core have been working with me to find what works well for my weight loss goals. From increasing my calories (who knew I wasn’t eating enough?) to incorporating cardio workouts on my own. I’m now running almost 3 miles, 3x a week AND then doing a boot camp class! I find myself saying, “Go 5 more minutes on the stair machine,” or “hold that plank for 10 more seconds!” Burning 1100+ calories never felt so great! What it comes down to is finding what works for you and the trainers at Core Athletics have been there for me the whole way. However, it’s not just the trainers, but the other members at Core Athletics that I’m no longer a faceless person. They are as supportive as the trainers and their enthusiasm is like having your own personal cheerleading section at the big game. Think you can’t lift and flip a tire? Umm, yeah you can! Think you can’t do a one-handed burpee? Wrong! Tell yourself you’re never going to run? Yea, I don’t think so! All of these I’ve accomplished because of Core. I’ve said goodbye to the old me and started falling in love with the me I want to become. Embrace the sore muscles, the sweaty clothes and dedication that it’s inside you! Work hard for it! It may take longer doing it the healthy and right way, but it will last longer….it will be better….and it will be worth it!"



"I have worked with of Core Athletics for almost for several years. My very first boot camp was one raising awareness for Breast Cancer. It was what I thought at the time, sure to be the most difficult workout I have ever done. Well sure enough, I was proven wrong as I continued my fitness journey with the wonder team at Core. With my wedding being 9 months away at the time, I knew that I needed to try something different. I wanted to look great in my wedding dress, but I had gained what I considered to be a significant amount of weight and wasn’t comfortable in my own skin. My initial body fat assessment indicated that I was in the obese range, and while I was baffled at that because I in no way felt obese, that was enough motivation for me. I worked out at least 3 times per week (boot camp and Spin) and within a short amount of time; I began noticing a visible change in my body! I didn’t want to be skinny again, just healthy and fit. I am pushed each and every workout that I complete at Core. Every time that I think something is just too crazy to do, I always prove myself wrong! I now understand that I truly can do anything I put my mind to and the staff here will remind you of that every day. Yes, my hair and make helped, but the big deal was that I looked and felt amazing in my dress which was my ultimate goal. Although my wedding is now come and gone, it does not mean that this fitness journey I am on is over. I still make an effort to workout 3 times per week and continue to push myself to limits I didn’t know I could go to. If you are anything like me and need that extra push and motivation during a workout, then Core Athletics is definitely the place for you. Good luck on your own person journey!"


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